Student Success Team
Student Success Teams
Purpose Teacher’s Check List
SST: Purpose – What it is
The Student Success Teams (SST) purpose is to provide a positive, problem-solving process to identify strategies programs that may resolve or alleviate academic, attendance, health or behavior difficulties. The SST process is a regular education responsibility which may or may not lead to a referral for special education services. The SST process must be considered prior to any referrals for special education.
SST: What it is not
Purpose Teacher’s Check List
SST: Purpose – What it is
The Student Success Teams (SST) purpose is to provide a positive, problem-solving process to identify strategies programs that may resolve or alleviate academic, attendance, health or behavior difficulties. The SST process is a regular education responsibility which may or may not lead to a referral for special education services. The SST process must be considered prior to any referrals for special education.
SST: What it is not
- A one time meeting required to get a student into special education.
- Simply a way to have a student evaluated.
- A process used to serve as the only formal documentation of student problem(s).
Teacher’s Check List for making SST Request:
- Check student cum folder prior to making SST Request.
- Fill out SST Request Forms.
- Identify any previous SST(s) found in cum folder (or other important information).
- Check all modifications and interventions (SST form).
- Provide documentation of dates and outcome of modifications.
- Provide documentation for all parent conferences (phone or meeting). Show agreements made for new and/or revised strategies and interventions for student.
- Provide student profile from Measures and any other student work important for SST.
- Attach all the above information to the SST form and return all information to the SST box (located in front office) or return SST forms and other documentation to the Counselor’s mail box.
- The counselor and/or other support team member will schedule an appointment to meet with person(s) requesting SST assistance.