
Attendance Procedures
Attendance Procedures
Attendance Procedures
Regular attendance is essential to children’s performance and success in the classroom. By law, parents are obligated to send their child to school daily. Parents are strongly encouraged to schedule medical appointments during non-school hours. A student’s absence shall be excused only for the following reasons: personal illness, medical/dental appointments, court appearance (child’s), quarantine under the direction of a county or city health officer, observance of religious holiday or attendance at a funeral service for a family member. Unexcused absences are those due to unreported absences, vacations, non-medical appointments, etc.
School absences are monitored carefully throughout the school year. If a student has 10 or more absences in a school year for illness, a physician may be asked to verify further absences for illness. Excessive excused absences may also require notification to the School Attendance and Review Team (SART) or the district School Attendance Review Board (SARB).
A student absent from school without a valid excuse or tardy in excess of 30 minutes or more on three (3) or more days in one (1) school year is considered truant. Parents will receive written notification in the event their child is truant. Students who continue to have unexcused absences or tardies of 30 minutes or more may also require notification to the School Attendance Review Board (SARB). This is a requirement of the California Education Code. {Education Code: 48200}
A student absent from school without a valid excuse or tardy in excess of 30 minutes or more on three (3) or more days in one (1) school year is considered truant. Parents will receive written notification in the event their child is truant. Students who continue to have unexcused absences or tardies of 30 minutes or more may also require notification to the School Attendance Review Board (SARB). This is a requirement of the California Education Code. {Education Code: 48200}
Anytime a student is absent you must report it to the front office. You can call the front office at 916-566-3435 or email
Parents/guardians or whoever is picking up a child early will be REQUIRED to show a picture ID when they sign their child out in the front office.
All students must be picked up from school within a reasonable amount of time. School ends at 2:27 M,T,Th,F and 12:27 on Wednesdays. If you are more than 15 minutes late picking your child up notices will be sent home and TRUSD police will be notified. Our office closes at 3pm. If your child is not picked up by then Child Protective Services will be notified regardless of any prior notices.