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Fairbanks Elementary

Home of The Tigers

Fairbanks Elementary

Home of The Tigers

Dress Code Policy

In order to promote a positive learning environment and comply with the provisions of the safe and violence-free school initiative and counteract the influence of gang presence in the community.

Students in grades kindergarten through sixth grade enrolled at the Fairbanks Elementary School in the Twin Rivers Unified School District are expected to adhere to the following Dress Code:

  • Tops - Shirts, sweatshirts, and jackets with school appropriate logos.  No drug, gang, alcohol, or violence representation in the logos.  No spaghetti straps, cropped shirts or tank tops are allowed. No solid red.  

  • Bottoms - Students will be allowed to wear bottoms with appropriate school logos.  No drug, alcohol, or violence representation in the logos. Saggy or baggy pants, skin tight clothing or distressed bottoms with holes showing skin inappropriately are prohibited. No clothing is allowed to drag on the ground. No solid red. 

  •  Belts are to be worn properly within belt loops.
  • Hats are discouraged at school. Only hats to protect from cold or hot weather are allowed and cannot be solid red. Hats and hoods will be removed when inside any school building. 
  • Shoes – Shoes must be closed toe and have a back. Solid red shoes, sandals, flip flops, heels, slides, shoes with wheels or slippers are not allowed. 

The expectation of the policy is for all students to adhere to the Dress Code.  Parents/Guardians are expected to support the dress code.  If a student comes to school wearing inappropriate attire the following steps will be taken:  

  • Students will be sent to the office and the parent may be asked to bring a change of clothing to school for the student to change into.
  • If communication is not successful, students may be asked to wear loaned clothing, to be returned at the end of the school day.
  • If any student continually fails to comply with the dress code, the parents will be notified in writing. If parents or students do not abide by the dress code, this will lead to further disciplinary action.
  • A parent meeting will occur when the dress code continues to not to be followed.