School Events 2024-2025
2024-2025 Student/Family events
2024-2025 Student/Family events
2024-2025 Student/Family events
We are excited for all of the events we planned for this school year. This includes dances, festivals and carnivals, family nights, fundraising and more! If you'd like to contribute to the planning, preparation and success of school events please see Ms. Kiana in the front office.
Black history month program 3/10/25
Black history month program 3/10/25
Black history month program 3/10/25

annual trunk or treat pictures 10/31/24
annual trunk or treat pictures 10/31/24
annual trunk or treat pictures 10/31/24
Hispanic Heritage month pics 10/18/24
Hispanic Heritage month pics 10/18/24
Hispanic Heritage month pics 10/18/24
jog-a-thon pics 9/27/24
jog-a-thon pics 9/27/24
jog-a-thon pics 9/27/24